Horses Are The Ideal Teachers For Helping
Women Build Life Skills
A life skills development series designed to empower women in their life journeys, helping them to move forward with confidence and reclaim their power by building critical life skills that are paralleled back to their own worlds in a safe and unique environment!
Whispering Mare's program for women emphasizes an objectively-driven curriculum of facilitating life skills through positively reinforced interaction with horses. The horses jobs are speaking to the clients through their body language to help bring about the changes that the clients need to make. Our exercises are developed to encourage self-confidence through validated, hands-on experiences. Equine Assisted Learning through Whispering Mare is NOT equine therapy. We do not require a clinical professional with us to do these exercises and programs. Equine Assisted Learning works, because the teachers are the horses!
There is no riding in this program, but rather working with the horses on the ground and using their responses to help participants to move forward in their lives. They work hard to push us to a new level where we can feel confident and competent in ourselves and in our abilities.

Life Skills Programs For Women
Develop Healthy Life Skills.

Next Program Date:
Please Contact For Dates
Duration Of Program:
Between 3-12 Weeks
(1 session per week)
Please Contact For Pricing
Chilliwack, BC

A healing life-changing adventure in a safe and fun natural environment.
This weekly series has been set up to provide direction for the women who are rebuilding their lives and healing from pain, trauma and abuse. By working with their teachers, the horses, it is believed that through the horse’s spirit, individuals will be lead in the ‘right direction’ and will be assisted in understanding their place in the circle of life through their non-judgmental, honest, authentic and instant characters.
Working with horses creates a unique memory that causes participants to remember the skills they learn far longer than sitting in ‘just-another classroom’. Each woman will gain empowerment through group exercises that focus on individual qualities and at the same time, they will have some extreme fun and life changing moments.
All skills learned in the arena are paralleled back to their everyday lives, ensuring that the learned skills are transferred to how they deal with people, choices and the world around them.
By working with their teachers, women will build strong, solid skills that they can draw upon when they are faced with choices in everyday life. Our weekly program, in the Chilliwack area, builds on one particular skill each week and then continues building on those skills as the participants move to the next week.

Benefits Of Women Working With Horses
Creates positive
life changes
Builds trust, communication &
Creates new awareness of self
Builds healthy relationships

What Participants & Organizations Are Saying

Female Client
"Today I learned that instead of always taking from others, I have the ability to help others as well. I also need to learn to not just shove people aside, because of me thinking that they don’t have the ability to teach me something. When every person has something to offer."

Key Worker
"The program for the day was Red Light Green Light which was about focus and moving forward in life, while learning to pay attention to our surroundings. The women had to work their way through the obstacles while keeping their eye on their goal. This concept had a powerful impact on the ladies as they could apply it to so many places in their lives such as past criminal history, impulsive behaviours and relationships they didn't feel they had full power over."

Female Client
"Although I love horses, I don't have much experience with them... It was truly magical. Approximately nine months later, I am still finding that I am learning things from this experience as I reflect back. I would highly recommend this fun, informative, uplifting and inspiring course for any woman who is struggling to find herself. The course and the women who teach it are one of a kind."
Each Woman Will Learn:
that force does not equate to movement
that looking back stops movement forward
how to accept responsibility and accountability
how to overcome barriers to find change
that it takes courage to make the changes the horse is telling them
how to be creative and innovative
how to find opportunity in working together
how to develop their decision making skills
how to develop patience to take it one step at a time
how to find the leader within themselves
how to realize the benefits associated with effective communication
the value of mutual trust, respect, and personal integrity... All while having a blast!